In Battlefield’s various opuses, it has always been very important to know perfectly the weapons at your disposal. There has always been a perfect weapon for every situation and every class. In this article, we are going to provide you with a selection of Battlefield 5 best weapons for each class, some are available from the start and others must be unlocked.

The best weapons for the Assault in Battlefield V
The Assault will often be in short and medium-range combat, and to do so, he has an arsenal that can be adapted to the situation. Equipped with numerous explosives, he will be useful against vehicles and tanks. Then his versatile arsenal will allow you to wipe out your armored targets. This class is suitable for beginners. The weapons are easy to handle, so what is the best assault weapon battlefield v?
The German semi-automatic rifle Gewehr 43
This weapon is unlocked just after reaching the first rank in the Assault class. The Gewehr 43 semi-automatic rifle is handy, accurate and devastating, making it the best gun in battlefield v. The weapon does not have large magazines, but this weakness is compensated by high firepower. A little trick, consider attaching a medium sight to the weapon to defeat the snipers, the Gewehr 43 is ideal for counter-sniping and it is absolutely the best assault weapon battlefield v.
The STG 44 assault rifle
Do you fancy weapons that fire long bursts? Then equip yourself with the STG 44 assault rifle, it is the best gun in battlefield v and it is considered in bf5 community as one of the most effective weapons on the field thanks to its versatility. It boasts low recoil, great damage and good rate of fire in all situations, when performing a hip fire, when looking through the viewfinder at a medium distance and even from long distances with the appropriate scope.
The only problem is that you have to reach rank 13 in assault to unlock this weapon… Unlike the semi-automatic Gewehr 43 rifle which is accessible very quickly. The StG-44 must be considered as an SMG that can be useful at long distances. It is an excellent choice for infantry battles and it is also the best assault weapon battlefield v.
The Selbstlader 1916 semi-auto rifle
Like all semi-automatic rifles, it offers only one firing mode, one round with each shot. That’s why at close range, the fight will be difficult. However, at medium range, the Selbstlader 1916 is unbeatable, thanks to its high accuracy. It is one of the best weapons in battlefield 5. In addition, you can mount a zoom scope on it, with magnification x3, for more accuracy. The Selbstlader 1916, which can be unlocked at rank 16, is one of the optimal choices for the Assault class.
The best choice for the medic class in battlefield V
The Medic’s role, as his name suggests, will be to heal and revive his fallen teammates. He will, therefore, need weapons with a high rate of fire to eliminate targets quickly around his downed allies. Here is the best gun medic battlefield v.
The Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun
The Suomi KP/-31 is deadly at close range, its high rate of fire makes it possible to empty 20 bullets in a split second and to shake the opponent with bullets when he won’t even have had time to raise his weapon in front of you. However, the Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun tends to be weak on long-distance, making it a difficult weapon to control because of its low accuracy and control when compared to other weapons of the same size. It is the best choice for close combat.
Despite this inconvenience, if you aim at the center of the target, the recoil will quickly help you hit the head of your enemy. So, this is what makes the Suomi KP/-31 the best weapon medic battlefield v.
The best weapon for the support class in battlefield v
In Battlefield V, the support class provides ammunition to its team and has heavy machine guns and shotguns. To play this class you will have to follow your teammates to re-supply them. The Support can also build barricades on the ground and use his heavy machine gun to prevent the enemy from advancing. Here is the best support weapon battlefield v that you should use when you play this class.
The FG 42 light machine gun
This is the best support weapon battlefield v. Its only weakness is the small magazine that requires the player to handle it properly. But if you can manage to handle the FG42 decently, you will be able to perform more kills at an incredible speed thanks to its high rate of fire and its fearsome firepower. You will still need to reach rank 16 to unlock this remarkable weapon.
The M30 Drilling shotgun
The M30 Drilling shotgun offers stunning firepower at close range. This is the best gun to use in battlefield v for the support class, especially when you want to defend a position while providing ammunition to your team. Its impact is impressive, and as long as you don’t aim too low, you usually kill your enemy with one shot.
The KE7 light machine gun
Looking for the best support weapon battlefield v? Then Dice’s teams put at your disposal the KE7 light machine gun as a basic weapon. By using it, you will notice by yourself that this weapon has all the advantages to dominate your enemies during a battle. The KE7 boasts statistics that can be strengthened with 4 specializations (Enhanced Grips, Quick Reload, Lightened Stock and Light Bolt). It has reliable accuracy and it is the second optimal choice for the support class.
The best weapons for the Sniper class in battlefield 5
If you don’t want to be in the middle of the action and you are interested in fighting from a very long distance, then the recon class is your best choice. The sniper mechanics have been simplified in this new opus, which means that the scout can easily dominate the large maps, especially if you can take into account the gravity of shooting, you will have in your hands a tremendous firepower that will not give any chance to those who will walk in front of your viewfinder. So here is the best sniper weapon battlefield v.
Kar98 bolt action rifle
Kar98 is the optimal weapon in its class and it is the best gun to use in battlefield v. It is a powerful monster that can kill your enemies with one shot in most cases. Its great firepower can be improved by activating its specialization, the “Variable Zeroing” that will improve long-distance shooting. There is only one inconvenience for the Kar98k weapon; you can only unlock it when you reach rank 20 in the scout (sniper) class.
Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk rifle
This is a starter sniper weapon accessible from the beginning for the scout class; it will accompany you in your games until you unlock the great Kar98. You can add specializations to the Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk such as Quick Reload, Machined Bolt, Slings and Swivels, and Variable Zeroing for greater efficiency in the field. With these specializations, you will reload faster, increase accuracy and improve damage at long distances. This sniper rifle is also one of the best weapons in battlefield v and the perfect choice if you play sniper.
The best melee weapons in battlefield V
When you have to be discreet when you kill your enemy or when you run out of ammo, there is only one option to opt for, the hand-to-hand weapons. So what is the best melee weapon battlefield v? Here are the top 5.
- British Army Jack Knife
- Hatchet
- Kukri
- Pickaxe
- Cricket Bat
If you are searching for the best gun to use in battlefield v, then we hope that this article may help you figure out the suitable choice for your playstyle and for your optimal BFV class.